30 04, 2012

Is Fibromyalgia a Life Sentence for Pain?

By |2020-04-09T10:52:45-04:00April 30th, 2012|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Is Fibromyalgia a Life Sentence for Pain?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that impacts every aspect of life for those who suffer from it. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is often given to people with chronic widespread pain when doctors cannot identify a specific condition or cause such as tissue damage. As a result, fibromyalgia remains elusive and confusing. Since people don't know what causes it, some think it is a physical illness while others assume it is a purely psychological condition. This of course begs the question: What [...]

18 04, 2012

Kinesio Tape for Posture and Injury Recovery

By |2020-04-28T12:59:18-04:00April 18th, 2012|FAQs|Comments Off on Kinesio Tape for Posture and Injury Recovery

We've had lots of interest in a new compliment to the care that we offer here at Eastside Chiropractic in Greenville, SC.  So today, I'm talking about kinesio tape therapy. What is kinesio tape therapy? Kinesio tape therapy uses a special kind of tape for help with shoulder injuries, mid back pain, rounded shoulders, neck pain, postoperative rehabilitation, and muscle imbalances. At Eastside Chiropractic, we frequently use the tape for therapeutic support of the mid back and shoulder muscles.  It helps to [...]

6 02, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI Giants and Patriots Chiropractic Advantage

By |2012-02-06T11:21:53-05:00February 6th, 2012|archive|Comments Off on Super Bowl XLVI Giants and Patriots Chiropractic Advantage

The truth of the matter is that I didn't have a horse in the race this Super Bowl. Because neither the Steelers or Broncos were in the game, it didn't matter to me who would win. I watched the game to enjoy good competition between the best of the NFL. What became obvious to me while I was watching the Super Bowl at my house in Greenville, is that every team at the highest level of NFL competition has one thing [...]

20 12, 2011

A Secret that Tebow and Broncos, Brady and Patriots Share

By |2024-09-22T16:00:45-04:00December 20th, 2011|archive|Comments Off on A Secret that Tebow and Broncos, Brady and Patriots Share

The phenomena that is Tim Tebow was again trending on Twitter this past weekend.  After a strong Denver start in the game against New England, the more seasoned Tom Brady and the Patriots revealed their greater experience and closed the door on a possible Denver upset.  Denver will learn from this experience, and Tim Tebow will continue to improve as an NFL quarterback. One little known fact is that both teams share a performance secret which has become more the rule than the [...]

14 12, 2011

Accident Attorney? Should I Find An Attorney After My Wreck?

By |2020-04-09T10:11:40-04:00December 14th, 2011|Health Tips, Most Talked About, News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Accident Attorney? Should I Find An Attorney After My Wreck?

ACCIDENT ATTORNEY? Why Does It Matter… As a chiropractor, I see many automobile accident victims. Some of my patients have been in minor collisions, where there is little damage to their vehicle. Others have had their automobile declared a total loss by an insurance claims adjuster.  Many automobile accident victims wonder if they need an accident attorney.  In my opinion, the reality of the modern insurance system requires the help of an accident attorney. Typically I focus on helping automobile accident [...]

7 12, 2011

What can I do about whiplash? Car Accident Injury Self Help Tips

By |2020-04-09T10:10:41-04:00December 7th, 2011|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on What can I do about whiplash? Car Accident Injury Self Help Tips

What is whiplash? “Whiplash” describes what happens when the neck is suddenly and forcefully jerked, like in a car accident.  The jerking motion happens quickly, forcing the neck beyond its normal limits. The jerking is so fast that our muscles don’t have time to resist. This jerking motion results in muscle, tendon, and ligament over-stretching and sometimes even tearing.  Symptoms of a whiplash can include stiff and painful neck movements, weakness, headaches, sometimes dizziness, ear noises, TMJ or jaw pain, and [...]

4 12, 2011

Your Self Help Guide for Osteoarthritis; Treatments that Work

By |2011-12-04T16:30:36-05:00December 4th, 2011|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Your Self Help Guide for Osteoarthritis; Treatments that Work

There are many forms of arthritis, and each may have special treatment requirements and long term consequences. Here are some tips for dealing with osteoarthritis: 1.  Get your diagnosis of osteoarthritis confirmed.  The less common rheumatoid arthritis is a more severe condition, and is caused by a person's own immune system attacking their body. 2.  Don't limit treatment to pain relief only.  Try to begin a gentle exercise and stretching program.  Remember that inactivity leads to progression of osteoarthritis! 3.  Eat [...]

3 10, 2011

Why Chiropractic X-rays? Do Chiropractors Really Need Them?

By |2020-04-09T10:01:11-04:00October 3rd, 2011|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Why Chiropractic X-rays? Do Chiropractors Really Need Them?

Chiropractic X-rays, What You Should Know... Are chiropractic x-rays important? I've been concerned lately by advertisements from a minority of chiropractors and a Greenville chiropractic national franchise who offer care without chiropractic x-rays. The unstated message is that x-rays are not necessary. These advertisements misrepresent the purpose of x-rays in chiropractic. Greenville chiropractors are wise to use chiropractic x-rays as an important safety precaution and diagnostic tool in certain situations. We see many types of patients at Eastside Chiropractic. In reality, not every patient needs [...]

26 09, 2011

Seeing a Chiropractor Can Reduce Pain and Save Money

By |2020-04-09T09:57:29-04:00September 26th, 2011|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Seeing a Chiropractor Can Reduce Pain and Save Money

Back pain is a huge problem! Here in the U.S., we spend more than $100 billion per year on back pain. Back pain is also the second leading cause of visits to the doctor and hospitalizations. That’s a lot of pain, and a lot of money. The good news is that chiropractic can help reduce pain while saving money! […]