26 10, 2016

The Prevalence of Back Pain in School Kids Who Use Backpacks

By |2020-04-13T13:25:18-04:00October 26th, 2016|Back Pain, Chiropractic, Most Talked About, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on The Prevalence of Back Pain in School Kids Who Use Backpacks

Backpack pain is an all too common condition of school-age children.  While back pain is a known and widely-studied issue in adults, its prevalence in school-aged children has received comparatively little scientific attention. Elementary, middle, and high school students must often carry backpacks that weigh enough to cause chronic back pain, poor posture, and even decreased lung volume. I have written about this issue before, but recently, several studies reveal the truths behind childhood back pain and ways to mitigate it. [...]

18 10, 2016

5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow

By |2020-04-13T13:23:55-04:00October 18th, 2016|Uncategorized, Chiropractic, FAQs, News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on 5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow

Looking for the perfect pillow for your neck pain? Neck pain is nobody's friend, and it is definitely not an ideal sleeping companion. Pain-filled nights can leave a person dull, groggy, and not ready to face the day in the morning. Unfortunately, certain sleeping positions can further aggravate neck pain to the point it robs a person of a good night's sleep. If you suffer from neck pain, the toll it takes on deep sleep isn't news to you. What may surprise you, however, [...]

16 10, 2016

How Our Greenville Chiropractic Can Help Patients Who Suffer From Arthritis

By |2020-04-13T13:22:25-04:00October 16th, 2016|Back Pain, Chiropractic, Health Tips, Most Talked About, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on How Our Greenville Chiropractic Can Help Patients Who Suffer From Arthritis

Arthritis care is a hot topic in media and drug ads.  It is becoming more common for people to visit chiropractors to treat a variety of different kinds of pain. Greenville SC  chiropractic treatment provides many benefits to people who suffer from a wide variety of conditions like arthritis. In today’s article, I'll explore how Greenville SC chiropractic can help patients who suffer from arthritis and give you additional arthritis care suggestions including how to alleviate the pain that’s associated with it. What a [...]

5 10, 2016

Pokémon Go and Text Neck – 5 Things Parents Should Know

By |2020-04-13T13:20:40-04:00October 5th, 2016|Chiropractic, FAQs, Most Talked About, News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Pokémon Go and Text Neck – 5 Things Parents Should Know

As a chiropractor Greenville, SC, I've written before about text neck, but the popularity of Pokémon Go among our youth made me decide to revisit the subject. I'll admit, writing a blog post about Pokémon Go seemed very strange to me. You may have noticed teens roaming the streets of Greenville, SC on weekends. They can be spotted wandering our parks, our malls, sometimes muttering at their phones, sometimes coordinating in groups. They are the Pokémon hunters, and they’re out in [...]

21 09, 2016

Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain for Chiropractic Patients

By |2020-04-13T13:14:34-04:00September 21st, 2016|Back Pain, Diet, FAQs, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain for Chiropractic Patients

Losing Weight and Back Pain Back pain is one of the most common and most troublesome problems that people experience. Eight out of 10 individuals will struggle with back pain during some point in their life, the US National Library of Medicine reports. Low and chronic back pain can be aggravated by many triggers. Mechanical stress, excessive strain, muscle weakness, poor sleeping position, lack of exercise and excessive weight could all contribute to making the situation worse.  My blog post today [...]

15 09, 2016

What Chiropractic Patients Need To Know About Low Back Pain

By |2020-04-13T13:13:28-04:00September 15th, 2016|Back Pain, Chiropractic, Health Tips, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on What Chiropractic Patients Need To Know About Low Back Pain

Although chiropractic is dedicated to finding and correcting spinal joint problems (also known as spinal subluxations), most patients seek chiropractic care to alleviate pain and other health-related symptoms. One condition that our Greenville SC chiropractic patients seek relief from is persistent low back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any give time. Even though low back pain plagues many people, finding the cause can be a challenge. However, our Greenville SC chiropractors are spinal [...]

23 08, 2016

What Greenville Chiropractic Patients Should Know About Stretching

By |2020-04-13T13:09:02-04:00August 23rd, 2016|Endurance Sports, FAQs, Health Tips, Spinal Care Tips, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What Greenville Chiropractic Patients Should Know About Stretching

When you suffer from joint or muscle pain, chances are you had lost some of your flexibility before your injury.  Before and after an injury, it is important to work on maintaining as much flexibility as possible. The more flexible you are, the less likely you will be to further injure yourself. One of the best ways to improve your flexibility is by stretching before you are active. It is very important to warm up your muscles before you stretch. If you [...]

8 04, 2015

Back Pain Relief by Our Greenville SC Chiropractor

By |2020-04-23T14:11:03-04:00April 8th, 2015|Back Pain, FAQs, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Back Pain Relief by Our Greenville SC Chiropractor

Are you suffering with back pain and looking for back pain relief? Our Greenville SC chiropractor may be able to help! In 2013, our U.S. Department of Labor estimated that 100 million work days are lost every year due to low back pain. Causes of Back Pain? Carrying kids on your shoulders, cleaning the floors, lifting, sitting all day at work, or a little extra weight up front, it's no wonder that 80 percent of Americans will suffer from back pain at some [...]

2 04, 2015

Greenville SC Headache Specialist?

By |2020-04-13T11:12:23-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Headache, Modern Chiropractic, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Greenville SC Headache Specialist?

I'm not a Greenville SC Headache specialist, but as a chiropractor in Greenville I see many patients who suffer with headaches. You may not believe it, but 50 million people battle headaches on a regular basis and 12 million suffer from daily headaches.  Statistics show that 28 million of those who suffer headache pain experience migraine headaches.  These are staggering numbers. Are you searching for a Greenville Headache Specialist? The throbbing  and pounding sensation of a headache is an all too [...]

25 11, 2014

Pregnancy Chiropractor in Greenville SC

By |2020-04-10T13:31:26-04:00November 25th, 2014|Back Pain, FAQs, News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Pregnancy Chiropractor in Greenville SC

Greenville Pregnancy Chiropractor? Chiropractic treatment methods are available to many patient profiles, from infants and children to those in their senior years.  Obviously, gender is not a factor since both men and women seek chiropractic care and experience similar positive results.  But, what about care for the pregnant patient?  Is there such a thing as a pregnancy chiropractor?  Are there reasons chiropractic should be avoided?  What are some special concerns or reasons for considering Greenville chiropractic treatment? Let's take a look... [...]