10 04, 2013

Wallet in back pocket causing back pain? What to do?

By |2020-04-14T14:52:00-04:00April 10th, 2013|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Wallet in back pocket causing back pain? What to do?

Wallet in back pocket causing back pain? Everyone (at least everyone I know) sits, but some people sit more than others. For example, if you are an office worker, there is a very good chance you sit for the majority of your day. Even though sitting has been associated with low back pain by many, research has shown that “sitting alone was not associated with the risk of developing low back pain.” But (and this is a very big BUT) sitting [...]

19 03, 2013

Weekly Health Update; A New EastsideChiro.com Feature… Check it out Greenville!

By |2013-03-19T23:57:41-04:00March 19th, 2013|Health Tips, News and Events|Comments Off on Weekly Health Update; A New EastsideChiro.com Feature… Check it out Greenville!

These "Weekly Health Updates" are exclusively for the friends and patients of Dr. David Mruz "A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." ~ Tom Stoppard Mental Attitude: No Interruptions Please. Short interruptions (such as the few seconds it takes to silence that buzzing smart phone) have a surprisingly large effect on one's ability to accurately complete a task. Interruptions of just three seconds can double your chances for making errors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: [...]

16 02, 2013


By |2020-04-14T14:52:17-04:00February 16th, 2013|Chiropractic, FAQs|Comments Off on Sciatica

Sciatica is a term which means inflammation of the bundle of nerves which begin in your lower back and transits down into your leg.  This bundle of nerves forms the sciatic nerve from which the condition derives its name.  Sciatic pain can vary from occasional and annoying to severe and debilitating.  Sciatica typically involves only one leg at a time.  Sciatica can have more than one cause, but typically the cause is an irritation or compression of lower back nerves from [...]

3 05, 2012

Spinal Decompression

By |2024-07-25T01:19:46-04:00May 3rd, 2012|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression – New Hope for Sciatica! Spinal Decompression – A new hope? Sometimes lower back pain occurs only in the area of your belt line. At other times it can radiate pain down a leg. This distinction is important as the former, lower back pain only, is often less complicated and carries a more favorable outlook for complete recovery. In fact, when we examine new patients a large part of the checkup is focused on this differentiation.  When the lower [...]