17 02, 2013

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Wrist and Hand Pain or Numbness

By |2020-05-06T09:12:47-04:00February 17th, 2013|Chiropractic, FAQs|Comments Off on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Wrist and Hand Pain or Numbness

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common problem affecting a large portion of society.  Estimates are that up to 1 in 20 of the general population are affected, with occupations such as typists, assembly line workers, postal employees, servers/waitstaff, musicians and carpenters being those most often afflicted by this disorder.  CTS produces a high level of cost to the health care system when time lost from work, treatment costs, and short and long term disability payments are factored in.  Continued [...]

16 02, 2013

Whiplash! After A Car Accident, What Can I Do?

By |2020-04-09T11:42:03-04:00February 16th, 2013|Chiropractic, FAQs, Health Tips|Comments Off on Whiplash! After A Car Accident, What Can I Do?

Whiplash is a term that describes an injury to the neck that occurs after a motor vehicle or car accident. The most common type of car accident is the rear impact, and most typically the occupant in a vehicle which gets “rear-ended” is at the greatest risk of injury, including the injury termed whiplash. Until recently, the cause of the pain resulting from a whiplash injury was poorly understood.  Also, as a result of legal and insurance issues, people who complained [...]

16 02, 2013

Why Does My Back Ache?

By |2020-04-14T14:52:38-04:00February 16th, 2013|Back Pain, Chiropractic, Health Tips|Comments Off on Why Does My Back Ache?

Carrying kids on your hip or shoulders, cleaning the floors, lifting bags of groceries from the car, or that little "extra" that's been added to your stomach area over the years. Lifting, bending and twisting, or even worse, sitting all day at work. Add to this a slip or fall or a previous car accident and it's not to difficult to see why studies show that approximately 80% of Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some time during their [...]

16 02, 2013


By |2020-04-14T14:52:17-04:00February 16th, 2013|Chiropractic, FAQs|Comments Off on Sciatica

Sciatica is a term which means inflammation of the bundle of nerves which begin in your lower back and transits down into your leg.  This bundle of nerves forms the sciatic nerve from which the condition derives its name.  Sciatic pain can vary from occasional and annoying to severe and debilitating.  Sciatica typically involves only one leg at a time.  Sciatica can have more than one cause, but typically the cause is an irritation or compression of lower back nerves from [...]

16 02, 2013

Instrument Adjustment Technology: A Breakthrough in Spine Care in Greenville

By |2020-04-14T14:42:56-04:00February 16th, 2013|Chiropractic, FAQs, News and Events|Comments Off on Instrument Adjustment Technology: A Breakthrough in Spine Care in Greenville

Just as advances in technology have touched every part of our lives in the last 20 years, so has this technology advancement had its effects for the practicing Doctor of Chiropractic.  Advances in engineering have uniquely blended physics with my skills as a Doctor of Chiropractic to both analyze and treat joint and spine disorders in such a way that could never have been imagined just a few short years ago. Eastside Chiropractic features the most technologically advanced adjusting instruments using [...]

14 02, 2013

Neck Pain? Greenville Doctor David Mruz offers relief: Study reveals better than drugs

By |2020-04-14T14:41:33-04:00February 14th, 2013|Chiropractic, FAQs|Comments Off on Neck Pain? Greenville Doctor David Mruz offers relief: Study reveals better than drugs

Moderate and acute neck pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit their family medical doctor.  In many cases, pain and stiffness occur without any obvious cause, and treatment at a medical facility may involve the use of NSAID's, or even narcotics.  A new study from The Annals of Internal Medicine revealed something that doctors of chiropractic have experienced in their practices for many decades.  In one of the few head-to-head comparisons of the various treatments for neck [...]

15 11, 2012

Jaw Joint Pain (TMJ Syndrome)

By |2020-04-28T13:04:49-04:00November 15th, 2012|Chiropractic|Comments Off on Jaw Joint Pain (TMJ Syndrome)

Let's start by briefly going over what TMJ disorder is: TMJ disorder (also called TMJ syndrome) is a blanket term for acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint (which is what connects your jaw to your skull). The most common causes range from bruxism (teeth grinding), trauma, excessive nail biting, degenerative joint diseases and a host of others. Essentially, TMJ disorder is quite common. The biggest symptoms are discomfort and sometimes pain in your jaw, difficulty in chewing, earache, headache [...]

6 11, 2012

Headaches: Migraine, Cluster and Tension and 126 more!

By |2020-04-09T11:34:38-04:00November 6th, 2012|Chiropractic, Headache|Comments Off on Headaches: Migraine, Cluster and Tension and 126 more!

If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. The International Headache Society has classified 129 different types of headache. The most common of these relate to the muscles of the neck (muscle tension), blood vessels (migraine) and joints (from the neck, called "cervicogenic"). What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit [...]

17 10, 2012

Low Back Pain, Epidural Steroid Injections and Meningitis

By |2020-04-09T11:34:57-04:00October 17th, 2012|Back Pain, Chiropractic, News and Events|Comments Off on Low Back Pain, Epidural Steroid Injections and Meningitis

The national news has not been good of late for those who have received a common treatment for acute low back pain. A tainted batch of medication has resulted in 15 deaths to date with more than 200 people falling prey to this potentially deadly form of fungal meningitis. It is estimated that at least 14,000 people are now known to have received these contaminated epidural injections. Patients in states as close as Tennessee and Virginia have now been confirmed as having [...]

17 09, 2012

The New Paradigm of Healthcare

By |2020-04-09T11:26:15-04:00September 17th, 2012|Chiropractic, News and Events|Comments Off on The New Paradigm of Healthcare

Doctors are … Start by entering those two words into the search line of Google and look at the list of the top ten searches. What words come to mind next?  This is the list from my search: Doctors are stupid, arrogant, evil, dangerous, idiots, overpaid, useless, underpaid, rich, greedy. This list is disappointing. Is this representative of public opinion of what doctors are? As one chiropractor, I realize there is not much I can do to improve perceptions of health [...]