23 11, 2014

Text Neck Cure? It’s Simple and Fast! | Eastside Chiropractic

By |2020-04-10T13:31:08-04:00November 23rd, 2014|Most Talked About, News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Text Neck Cure? It’s Simple and Fast! | Eastside Chiropractic

Perhaps you've heard of the new trendy diagnosis; text neck.  In this age of electronic devices, your smart phone may indeed be the cause of your pain in the neck.  Smart phones are trending to take over the cell phone market: 58% of American adults have smart phones and their usage has almost doubled since 2011.  So how can something which weighs no more than 4 or 5 ounces cause so much strain on your neck? Are you looking for a [...]

11 11, 2014

Decompression Therapy – New Hope for Back Pain and Sciatica?

By |2020-04-14T14:39:22-04:00November 11th, 2014|Back Pain, Chiropractic, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Decompression Therapy – New Hope for Back Pain and Sciatica?

Decompression therapy has been the subject of many news articles and radio commercials, but does it really work? Your First Choice Should Be Conservative Care When back pain with sciatica (leg pain) strikes, the question many people ask is, “do I need back surgery?” The alternative to conservative care is surgery, so let’s talk about what constitutes a back pain or sciatica (leg pain) that rises to the level of requiring surgical intervention. According to Rene Cailliet, MD, the father of [...]

22 09, 2014

We Don’t Have Massage Envy… Massage Therapy Now Available

By |2020-04-10T12:02:55-04:00September 22nd, 2014|News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on We Don’t Have Massage Envy… Massage Therapy Now Available

We don't have massage envy, since we've added massage therapy to the services we have available to our patients. What does this mean to you? Convenience and competence.  Your massage therapy or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room located within the clinical setting of Eastside Chiropractic and under the administration of Dr. Mruz. Interested in massage therapy? Our chiropractic clinic in Greenville, SC can help. Call Eastside Chiropractic, PA: 864-292-6777. Soft music may be played to help you [...]

17 04, 2014

Best Pillow? Here’s Some Guidance! – Dr. Mruz

By |2020-04-09T14:46:16-04:00April 17th, 2014|FAQs, Health Tips, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Best Pillow? Here’s Some Guidance! – Dr. Mruz

I'm often asked by my patients, “which is the best pillow to use?” The truth is there is no one answer that works for everybody because there’s no one best pillow that works for everybody. I’ll talk about some of the different pillows and the advantages and disadvantages of those pillows in this blog post, then after talking about it with your healthcare provider, come up with a pillow or series of pillows that works best for you. The Challenge of [...]

8 04, 2014

The Aging Spine: We Get Shorter and What To Do About It!

By |2020-04-09T14:38:56-04:00April 8th, 2014|FAQs, Health Tips, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on The Aging Spine: We Get Shorter and What To Do About It!

Many of my patients ask the question "Do people shrink when they get older?" Even more curiously, does our height vary throughout the day, and what causes it to change? The answer to the first question is "yes," and it's all because of our aging spine.  But how does this occur? Gravity Is Relentless... During the course of any given day, the discs of the spine (the shock-absorbing, sponge-like structures that lie between the vertebrae), absorb or lose water, leading to [...]

4 04, 2014

Laptop ergonomics – Here’s your guidelines!

By |2020-04-09T14:26:37-04:00April 4th, 2014|FAQs, Health Tips, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Laptop ergonomics – Here’s your guidelines!

Laptop computers are first and foremost designed with portability in mind.  Laptop ergonomics are not a major consideration for most manufacturers. My MacBook Pro is a mere 14 inches wide, and has vastly more computing power than the computers which landed men on the moon a mere 4 decades ago. But portability and ergonomics are at odds with one another; if I position my screen at the correct ergonomic height, then my keyboard is too high. If my keyboard is in [...]

19 07, 2013

Summertime Yard Work … A Source of Pain?

By |2020-04-28T12:59:54-04:00July 19th, 2013|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Summertime Yard Work … A Source of Pain?

Summertime is the time for getting outside and working in the garden, on the lawn or on any number of projects which may involve motions which can give your back fits.  The equipment available at your local hardware store for lawn and garden management can turn the average homeowner into a lawn specialist overnight!  But beware ... the use of weed trimmers, leaf blowers, hedge clippers and tillers can be reason why your back suddenly stops you in your tracks. Dr. [...]

31 05, 2013

Answers to Your Questions About Sleep Positions

By |2020-04-09T14:06:00-04:00May 31st, 2013|FAQs, Health Tips, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Answers to Your Questions About Sleep Positions

A question that I always ask my patients during my first few visits has to do with sleep position. Why does this matter? Well, how you sleep can affect your spine health. A poor sleep position can cause back pain, stiffness in your neck or neck pain, issues with digestion and even premature wrinkles! Below are the 5 best and the 3 worst positions in which to sleep. 5 Best Sleep Positions These are the five best sleeping positions. Note that there are some [...]

23 05, 2013

Caring for a Herniated Disc in the Neck

By |2020-04-09T14:03:45-04:00May 23rd, 2013|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Caring for a Herniated Disc in the Neck

"What can I do to help myself if I have a herniated disc in my neck?" The mnemonic device "PRICE" is a good tool to use in the acute stage of many musculoskeletal conditions: P:  PROTECT your health by not placing yourself in an environment that is likely to harm you, such as playing sports or doing heavy yard work. Think about what you do before you do it and with any activity, if sharp, radiating pain occurs, stop and assess [...]

21 05, 2013

Air Travel Tips (Part 2) For Low Back Pain Sufferers

By |2020-04-09T14:02:38-04:00May 21st, 2013|Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Air Travel Tips (Part 2) For Low Back Pain Sufferers

A few weeks ago we published some Air Travel Tips for those who suffer from low back pain, focusing primarily on dealing with carry-on luggage. But we all know the flight itself can also aggravate low back pain.  Here are some ways to stay as comfortable as possible during your flight. Be proactive with the airlines! Be sure to get an aisle seat. If you consistently suffer from low back pain, you can request an aisle seat out of "medical necessity." [...]