Chiropractor Greenville SC | Dr. David Mruz | Greenville Chiropractor

Relief! More MD’s learning about the benefits of chiropractic

I have personally seen a significant increase in direct medical referrals to our office over the past 10 years. Medical doctors are compassionate, and don’t like to see their patients continue to suffer, or be doomed to a life of pain management with drugs. The challenge has been the lack of knowledge or misinformation about the benefits of chiropractic.
The only solution to this challenge is open communication with timely information, and we welcome the opportunity to work with our patient’s medical physicians to help bridge this communication gap. As medical doctors learn more about chiropractic, they are more comfortable directly referring patients with headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain.
A recent review on WebMD of a Consumer Reports article can provide you as a reader with an effective tool to introduce the subject of chiropractic management to your family doctor.
The tide is turning, and the good news is that the health care consumer is the beneficiary of these changes.

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