Chiropractor Greenville SC | Dr. David Mruz | Greenville Chiropractor

Jaw Joint Pain (TMJ Syndrome)

Let’s start by briefly going over what TMJ disorder is: TMJ disorder (also called TMJ syndrome) is a blanket term for acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint (which is what connects your jaw to your skull). The most common causes range from bruxism (teeth grinding), trauma, excessive nail biting, degenerative joint diseases and a host of others. Essentially, TMJ disorder is quite common.
The biggest symptoms are discomfort and sometimes pain in your jaw, difficulty in chewing, earache, headache (including migraines), dizziness, neck and shoulder pains.
TMJ syndrome is one of the more complicated challenges a person may have to deal with, oftentimes winding up at our office after first seeking care from their dentist or their medical doctor.
There are typically no simple solutions to TMJ syndrome, however research has shown that chiropractic care may offer answers. This link takes you to a major source of published medical studies (PubMed) which comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.  The studies I’ve linked to all reference the benefit of chiropractic care for many cases of TMJ syndrome.
Wondering if chiropractic can help you?  Call to set up a no-cost consultation with Dr. David Mruz today at 864-292-6777.
Photo credit:  Hillary Boles via Compfight

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