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What you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Chiropractic Care in Greenville

Chiropractor Greenville in South Carolina


Chiropractic and Insurance

If you take a look at healthcare in the United States, you see that the dominant industry of healthcare is conventional Western medicine.  For business reasons, health insurance companies cater to those who control the industry: medical doctors and hospitals.  There is a long history of prejudice against chiropractic by political medicine, which is one of the primary reasons why chiropractic care is poorly covered by many insurers.
Many research studies have shown that chiropractic care is both cost effective and beneficial in the treatment of low back pain along with other musculoskeletal conditions. The chiropractic focus on prevention also lowers health care costs.
A sampling of Greenville patient testimonies and clinical research have both shown that people benefit from chiropractic care.  Unfortunately, some people have difficulty affording chiropractic care because of limited insurance benefits.

Health Savings Accounts and Chiropractic

Health Savings Accounts give many people access to chiropractic, so they can enjoy activities they love.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have helped many of our patients afford chiropractic care.  Health Savings Accounts can pay for chiropractic care even when the coverage is excluded from health insurance policies. The HSA allows a patient to pay for chiropractic with pre-tax dollars, which can also result in significant savings.
The savings are multiplied since chiropractic patients often have better health and avoid the greater cost of conventional medicine.
The combination of a Health Savings Account and a high deductible health insurance plan encourages people to think carefully about their healthcare choices.  Choosing chiropractic care for prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal challenges can go a long way to help save money and improve the quality of life for HSA owners.
Contact your HR department or insurance broker to find out more about Health Savings Accounts and whether an HSA can serve your healthcare needs.

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