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Decompression Therapy – New Hope for Back Pain and Sciatica?

Decompression therapy has been the subject of many news articles and radio commercials, but does it really work?

Your First Choice Should Be Conservative Care

When back pain with sciatica (leg pain) strikes, the question many people ask is, “do I need back surgery?” The alternative to conservative care is surgery, so let’s talk about what constitutes a back pain or sciatica (leg pain) that rises to the level of requiring surgical intervention. According to Rene Cailliet, MD, the father of modern Physical Medicine, the indications for back surgery are:

  1. PERSISTENT bladder and bowel dysfunction (loss of continence) of a neurogenic type.
  2. An increase in objective neurological functional loss, such as progressive weakness, increasing numbness, or increasing pain, IN SPITE OF ADEQUATE, SUPERVISED, AND PROLONGED conservative treatment.
  3. The patient is unwilling to endure the discomfort or to submit to further conservative treatment, owing to a lowering of pain threshold, psychologic decompensation, financial reasons, or pressures beyond the control of the doctor. When, however, there is no bladder or bowel involvement and no progression of neurologic deficit, great care must be exercised in allowing the patient to press for surgery.

So, the main take away for us should be that conservative care should be the first choice for back pain and sciatic pain, and surgery should only be considered essentially when all else fails.

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical traction based treatment alternative for herniated or bulging discs in the neck and lower back. Anyone who has back, neck, arm or leg pain may be helped by spinal decompression therapy.

How Many Spinal Decompression Therapy Sessions Are Needed?

Your doctor will always determine the number of sessions needed and your specific treatment plan after your examination. In almost all cases, the treatments are completely painless.

What Makes Spinal Decompression Therapy So Effective?

Proper assessment, correct positioning and the use of preprogrammed patterns of traction and relaxation may reduce disc pressure allowing necessary nutrients to accelerate disc healing.

Are There Medical Studies Which Document the Effectiveness of Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Yes! One study documented by MRI up to 90% reduction of disc herniations in 10 of 14 cases and other studies reported that the majority of herniated disc patients achieved “good” to “excellent” results after spinal decompression therapy. Contact us if you would like to receive copies of these and other studies.
If you would like a free consultation at our office in Greenville SC please call us at 864-292-6777. During the consultation we will determine how chiropractic care may be able to help you with your health concerns.
Copyright: jaimages / 123RF Stock Photo

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