2 03, 2020

Y-Strap Chiropractor, Why Not?

By |2024-10-09T16:19:09-04:00March 2nd, 2020|Chiropractic, Most Talked About|Comments Off on Y-Strap Chiropractor, Why Not?

Yes, I get questions about the YouTube videos of the "Y-Strap chiropractor".  Yes, I've seen them and no, I wouldn't let someone do that to me.  The procedure as performed on YouTube isn't taught in any chiropractic school; there's no literature or research which proves its effectiveness and simple physiology would seem to indicate that there's significant risk associated with a quick and powerful pull of the delicate structures of the neck.  There is so much that could go wrong in [...]

21 11, 2017

Opioids, Pain and the Chiropractic Answer

By |2020-04-13T14:15:57-04:00November 21st, 2017|Chiropractic, Most Talked About, News and Events|Comments Off on Opioids, Pain and the Chiropractic Answer

Opioids - A Needless Epidemic Opioids have been front and center in the news recently.  An epidemic of opioid abuse has been declared by the federal government with over 12 million Americans reported to have misused prescription opioids, and tragically, in 2015 over 25,000 deaths resulted from overdoses of prescribed and synthetic opioids. While I'm no expert on opioids, I have over 35 years of professional insight on the management of mechanical back pain, which is one of the most common [...]

19 03, 2017

Soccer Injuries- 3 Ways of Avoiding & Treating with Chiropractic Care

By |2020-04-13T14:02:29-04:00March 19th, 2017|Endurance Sports, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, News and Events|Comments Off on Soccer Injuries- 3 Ways of Avoiding & Treating with Chiropractic Care

Soccer is one of the most popular team sports in the United States, and offers an excellent form of exercise to children and adults alike. Unfortunately, the nature of the sport, the repeated movement and the chance of collision, add up to quite a few opportunities for injury. Lower and upper extremity injuries, overuse injuries, and head, neck, and face injuries are commonplace. According to Stanford Children's Health, "88,000 children 8-14 were treated in an emergency room for soccer-related injuries." Soccer [...]

10 03, 2017

8 Wonderful Ways A Healthy Diet Benefits Your Life

By |2020-04-13T13:59:37-04:00March 10th, 2017|Diet, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, News and Events|Comments Off on 8 Wonderful Ways A Healthy Diet Benefits Your Life

It's hard to turn on the television or surf the internet without being bombarded with headlines about "Americans don't sleep enough" or "one third of adults are obese." Healthy Diet Benefits While stress, heredity, and smoking are all factors that play into a person's well being, one of the biggest is a healthy diet. Choosing to eat healthy benefits the body in a number of key areas. Still gobbling up the pizza and slurping down the diet soda, unconvinced? See if [...]

21 02, 2017

Why You Should Stay Hydrated and Six Easy Ways to Do It

By |2020-04-13T13:53:21-04:00February 21st, 2017|Endurance Sports, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, News and Events|Comments Off on Why You Should Stay Hydrated and Six Easy Ways to Do It

Think you drink enough water and don't need to worry about dehydration? Consider these points: The ability to recognize thirst diminishes in individuals in their late 30's or older. A person's body is made up of roughly 70% water. When you lose 2% of the body's water content, you are considered dehydrated. Dehydration symptoms range from unpleasant confusion, muscle weakness, and fatigue to extremely dangerous ones like seizures, kidney failure, and death. The good news is that staying hydrated in the [...]

12 01, 2017

Sciatica Pain Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Can Reduce Pain

By |2020-04-13T13:52:11-04:00January 12th, 2017|Back Pain, Chiropractic, FAQs, Most Talked About, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Sciatica Pain Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Can Reduce Pain

Sciatica pain is a common complaint in a chiropractic office. Are you experiencing pain along one side of your body from your lower back down through your hip and the back of your leg? If so, you could be suffering from a condition called sciatica. According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica pain can best be described as “most commonly occurring when a herniated disk or a bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and [...]

5 01, 2017

What is Piriformis Syndrome? Can Chiropractors Help?

By |2020-04-13T13:50:39-04:00January 5th, 2017|Back Pain, Chiropractic, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on What is Piriformis Syndrome? Can Chiropractors Help?

What is Piriformis Syndrome? A small muscle located deep in the buttocks, the piriformis muscle performs the essential function of rotating the leg outwards. There are times when our patients search for information about their back pain before arriving at our office.  A common question I’m asked is “what is Piriformis Syndrome?”  Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle is tight and intrudes upon the sciatic nerve in the buttocks. Causing pain and tenderness and sometimes [...]

13 12, 2016

How Runners Can Benefit from Greenville SC Chiropractic Care

By |2020-04-13T13:47:22-04:00December 13th, 2016|Endurance Sports, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on How Runners Can Benefit from Greenville SC Chiropractic Care

Step. Ouch. Step. Ouch. Step. Ouch. Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and offers many benefits. It can be done anywhere, it tones the lower body, and it burns a ton of calories. Pounding the pavement over time, however, can result in injuries to the knees, ankles, and hips. Whether you run a few miles a week to keep the extra pounds off, or hoof it in several marathons a year, there is unfortunately a good chance [...]

6 12, 2016

Ergonomic Tips For Desk Work | Greenville SC Workplace Helps

By |2020-04-13T13:45:59-04:00December 6th, 2016|Back Pain, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Ergonomic Tips For Desk Work | Greenville SC Workplace Helps

There are dangers in everyday life, from slipping in the shower to getting side swiped by the guy texting in the car next to you on Woodruff Road.  The risk doesn't end once we are safely behind our desks, because… sitting is killing us!  Workplace ergonomics often are the reason for many aches and pains. Our chiropractor Greenville, SC can help. Call 864-292-6777. Ergonomic Tips Simplified Seriously, while not really trying to commit murder, our computer, desk, office chair and keyboard are [...]

2 11, 2016

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sufferers – 4 Ways Greenville SC Chiropractic Can Help!

By |2020-04-13T13:26:20-04:00November 2nd, 2016|Chiropractic, FAQs, Health Tips, Most Talked About, News and Events, Spinal Care Tips|Comments Off on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sufferers – 4 Ways Greenville SC Chiropractic Can Help!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a serious, painful nerve injury that affects many people in the United States. CTS occurs when the median nerve, which runs down a person's forearm to his or her hand, gets compressed in a region of the eight bones of the wrist called the carpal tunnel. This injury is frequently caused over time by repetitive motion such as assembly line work, and is the most expensive work-related injury. Symptoms of CTS include pain and numbness of the [...]